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Friday, 15 May 2020

Debt rises as onion prices go up, helpless farmer chokes, shortens life

A farmer of Isora village in Bhavnagar's Talaja has committed suicide as he could not get an affordable price for the onion he borrowed. The farmer has committed suicide out of frustration of not getting the price of onion. The family alleges that he committed suicide by choking himself. The police have launched further investigation into the matter.

Police have registered a case of suicide and are investigating. Then the question arises that who is responsible for giving life to the world? Doesn't the government really understand them? Just yesterday, a video went viral in Rajkot where a farmer was crying in the market yard when the price of onion was only Rs 3.

Speaking in detail, Bhupatbhai Shumbhubhai Jethwa (U.V.53), a farmer from Isora village, committed suicide by choking himself on his farm. Laljibhai Shambhubhai Jethwa, son of the deceased farmer, said, "We have a farm of five vighas." Two of them planted onions in Vigha.

The sheep and goats who did not get the right price for onions were given onions. The loss was due to not getting the right price of onion and the debt also increased. Tired of economic hardship, he took the step of suicide. I don't know how much he owed to my father.
read in gujarati

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